Sunday, March 27, 2016

A New Pair of Leggings and Something Else Is New

Because I can't seem to get enough of the Sloan Leggings from I've made myself another pair in a shorter version.

This was a knit I got on clearance and it's a little thicker than the other knits I've used.  I discovered that this pair was just a little too stretchy and shifty and really doesn't soak up sweat well.  They are not so fun to wear for exercise.

This pair should do well for anything and I really like the shorter length.  Plus, it takes up even less fabric!  It's more of a soft knit instead of feeling like slippery polyester.

I discovered that adding elastic at the waist actually makes a big difference.  The leggings stay right where I want them but the elastic doesn't add bulk.  It also seems to make the fabric feel like it has a place to go and everything seems to work a lot better.

I set out to make a second pair of this length in a new denim knit that I bought, but it has even less stretch and I wound up with a waist that I can't get both of my legs through, so I have to try again.  I was super excited to wear them right away but I have to go back to the drawing board.

And here's the something new:

I've been wanting tags that say On Aunt Mildred's Porch for quite a while, but I couldn't make them at home the way I wanted. I tried three methods and none made me happy.

I finally went to etsy and poked around until I found something that would satisfy me for now.

Yes, these are my own pants but now, I won't have to turn them around and around to figure out the front from the back!  Plus, I wanted to see how they sewed in.  They are hanging tags that say On Aunt Mildred's Porch on the front and my email address on the back.  I will mostly put them on quilts I make, but I will probably continue to put them in clothes that I make for myself.

In case someone sees the inside of my clothes and wants to know where I found it?  I have no idea.  But, I really like the idea of labels.

These are not exactly what I was looking for, but they are doing the job for not a lot of money.

Linking here: 


  1. Those leggings are just great that you made and I like the label idea!
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J&J!

  2. I would so love for you to share this post (and a few others!) with us over at Country Fair Blog Party. It's a once a month blog party and you'd be a perfect fit!
    Jan @ Tip Garden

  3. How great!! :)

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!


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