Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nobody Mess With Me- I've Got A Frozen Chicken In This Bag

As I've mentioned befor I like to get organic chickens and eggs from a farm near my sister a-ster's house. As I left today, she handed me an absurdly frozen chicken and a dozen eggs to bring home with me on the train. Yet another advantage to taking the train. No shake down over my luggage contents. What, is that weird? At least I feel safe. One swing of this bag and I'd knock someone out for a week. This chicken is so frozen! When I told k-ster I was bringing home a chicken, he Thought I meant a live one. And Instead of being concerned about what we were going to do with a live chicken in our yard, he was more worried that I was bringing it on the train. His reaction? NO LIVE CHICKENS ON THE TRAIN!!! THIS ISN'T EFFING INDIA!!! This is my last Post with this iPad. Yippee.


  1. Do you cook your chicken whole or cut them up? For the two years we've been part of a meat CSA I've only cooked them whole. Just last month, I figured out how to cut it once thawed out and I was pretty proud of myself. I had to watch some youtube videos to learn how.

  2. You are a nut! :) Thanks for linking up to #findingthefunny.

  3. Haha! It is always good to have protection, even if it is a frozen chicken! Love this. Came from Finding the Funny

  4. I think that means you're free to bring home actual live chickens next time, as long as you don't take the train. He basically agreed to it. ;)


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