Monday, March 25, 2013

I Could Totally Do This

As promised yesterday, there will be no more waxing philosophical for a while.

K-ster sent me this picture yesterday because he knew it would make me laugh.  And given the state of the water table around here, it wouldn't even  be too hard to do that right now!

Linking here

Now, can you help me help my sister?  She's a sewing aficionado who blogs at Call Ajaire and  has recently been featured on Joann Fabric's youtube channel.  Click here and go check out her video for a simple way to make a belt for toddler pants. 


  1. Yeah seeing as how you have a backhoe parked within a few yards of your front door, I'd sleep with one eye open if I were k-ster.

    1. Yeah, but the problem is, I never know who had it last or where it's parked, so I'd get all bent out of shape and ready to do it and then it wouldn't be here and I'd lose my mind.

  2. That pic made me laugh too. Epic. Imagine if my wife can operate a backhoe. Oohh no. lol

    1. Sir, you don't have to imagine that your wife can operate one. We all can, we just have to be shown how. Or, if she was mad enough, it's not rocket science. She'd figure it out all by herself.

  3. Haha - that picture is hilarious. Now I wish I could operate a back hoe because there are a few people I would do that to!


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