Monday, November 12, 2012

It's Time To Pony Up

Even though it looks like this outside right now...

In November, a month that is notorious for crazy blizzards and nasty cold....

It's time to start making my ponyhats!

If you want to keep your head warm this winter, but you have long hair and get itchy when you try to corral it all under a hat, the ponyhat is your solution!  A close fitting hat that has a stretchy hole at the top to let you wear your hair in a pony tail.  Ski, play in the snow, or go for a run.  You will look stylish with your perky ponytail bobbing around.

I finally perfected the style last winter and I sold quite a few on my etsy.  I had one customer who was so thrilled, she bought 4 of them!

My favorite part is the outlet for the ponytail.  I look really bad in those beanie type hats.  I end up looking very 14 year old boy ish.  And I get sooooooo itchy.  No matter what the material.  Letting my ponytail out makes me look a little more feminine and it takes the bulk out of the hat so I don't get so itchy.

The opening for the ponytail is a ponytail elastic that I crochet around, so you don't need to put your hair up first.  If you do, you will get a super perky ponytail!

Totally machine washable and driable.  I use Vanna's choice yarn because it is soft and has a fantastic array of colors.

Check out my etsy today and if you're looking for a specific color, let me know and we can work out a deal!

Linking up here, here and :

Skip To My Lou

What's cooking, love?


  1. That is a really cute hat. Too bad my hair isn't long enough to use it. :(

  2. That hat is so cute. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.

  3. That it way too cute. What a neat idea.


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