Tuesday, January 22, 2013

K-ster Hits the Mark Again

Sent to me by the man who makes me go through the trash to pull out what he "forgets" to recycle. 
And when I say "makes" let's be clear.  He isn't standing over me making sure I pull out the recyclables.  More like he's in the other room telling me it will be ok to let the bottle stay in there JUST THIS ONCE.
He doesn't know.  It WON'T be ok. 
Linking up here


  1. He better be careful...a fabulous sense of humor will only get him so far!

  2. Now that's funny! When my husband heads for the trash i ask (yell) RECYCLE! He knows i mean business!

  3. Now that's funny! When my husband heads for the trash i ask (yell) RECYCLE! He knows i mean business!


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