Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feel Good Friday

I'm a trifle early on Feel Good Friday this time.  That's unheard of!  Hop over to thegirlnextdoorgrowsup and link up your own Feel Good Friday!  She's having a contest soon too, so go check her out!

1.  We've had a touch of unseasonably warm weather (60+) this week, so a) I've been wearing short sleeves again and b) the garden isn't dead yet!  The chard I planted in the spring is still chugging and I would say this week has made it happier than ever.  They are a nice dark green and there are lots of new leaves coming out.  They suffer near death experiences often during the summer, so this is a nice change of pace.  And a lot of the stuff that blocked their light has died off, so it's a free for all.  And I was able to pick enough tonight to cook them for us.

Rachel Rae taught me that you just take some oil in the pan, open a clove or 2 of garlic and smash them a little and let them dance around in the oil to flavor it, then put in the greens, cover them until they wilt and voila. I shake them around a few times.  I put a touch of salt at the end and a little vinegar.  Amazing how something so green and leafy can please the palate.  Even k-ster eats them with gusto.  Gusto and whatever else I am serving.  It's so damned easy, it's ridiculous!!!

2.  My mother had a weird thing going on that required an ultrasound and it appears to be nothing.  I had another one of those moments that I was telling themotherload about where I 'm worried about some test results and then out of nowhere, a peace comes over me and I know it's fine.  There have been 3 of those moments.  Yesterday was most odd because it was while I was vacuuming and I was actually putting away the crevice tool when I felt it.  And it was nothing, so that is good.

3. I survived my birthday without much hurrah.  There are 2 videos that my sister e-ster created to commemorate the unveiling of the Crazy Creek Chair and you will have to check them out here in case you missed them.  I've always wanted to do infomercials.  Now with the power of 4g, I can!  This is what the fates won't allow me to own a phone with 4g.  I'd have to call in sick so I can video tape things all day.

4.  All of the storm windows that we had intact are now back on the house, where they belong.  The 4 new windows arrived yesterday and ready to install.  And of course, now that the storm windows are up, it's 65 degrees and I need to open the windows for some fresh air!

5.  I ordered the stinkin' greenhouse to the tune of a small fortune.  I did not let the man swindle me into buying the "system" for another $500 which would have allowed me to put heat out there.  I don't plan to do that yet. I can buy it later.  He did the I'm telling you you'll be sorry pause, but didn't twist my arm.  And I told him it was my birthday, cuz it was that day, and he threw in some extras.  I never play cards like that, but I thought I'd give it a whirl.

So there, the fastest Feel Good Friday ever created by these here hands!  Go see the girl and link up your own!


  1. At first when I saw you were doing a Friday link-up, I was like, "It's Tuesday! She is early!"...but not Tuesday after all. It's...ummm...Thursday...where did the week go?
    Love the story about that peaceful feeling coming over you...very cool.

  2. I have moments of peace like that too and it is a weird and good feeling.

    It is cool that you got some free stuff!!!! Way to go!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday and what a nice cool easy peasy recipe, although to be honest have never eaten chard in my life it sounds good from what you described!
    Weather her in our part of Texas has gone back to summer up until last couple of days when we have had a cold front blow through... And blow and blow and blow, there is stuff everywhere from all the trees!

    My Husband wants a greenhouse when he retires, he loves to grow things but does not wish to bring in all the top soil it would take to make a garden in our flint rock infested yard...

    This Friday's Feel Good at my place

    jackie >_<

  4. Funny what happens when you mention your birthday, way to go on the extras!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! just a little late.


  5. So, a greenhouse, huh. Anything still alive down by the trailer? Maybe you could winter it over and resurrect it. If I get a Mandeville next summer, want to see if you can keep it alive in your greenhouse?
    I did watch E's video. Very funny. I had no idea you were so mechanically challenged!


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