While some would agree that I have an ear for music, I do not have an ear for lyrics. I am forever sure that a lyric is one thing and then it turns out to be another. I remember reading a silly book once called He's Got the Whole World in His Pants and I can't tell you how many of the wrong lyrics I too thought were correct. Ok, I did know that it's the whole world in his hands, come on, people.
Here are some of my greatest hits:
Excuse me, while I kiss this guy (kiss the sky)
I coulda missed the pain, but Ida had to miss the dance. (but I'd a had to miss the dance)
I'm gonna lean my headlights into your bedroom window (aim my headlights)
I had some dreams, they were grounds in my coffee, grounds in my coffee (clouds in my coffee)
In that same song, I know the words are underworld spy, but I like to pretend it's underwear spy.
And I also just learned that one of the first lines goes:
You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself gavotte
I had to look that one up. Gavotte is a dance in peasant France. I always thought the lyric was:
You had one eye on the mirror as you watched yourself go by
Which made no sense because go by doesn't rhyme with apricot (his scarf) so I was always confused.
I wanna cool sh$t that'll cook for me (I wanna a cool chic) and in that same song, I wanna sing a little Jew song (chill song).
That last one is Keith Urban, it must be Australian accent that's pushing me over the edge in that song.
Most of the others are also country. I enjoy country music A LOT but there's something about the lyrics that I never quite get.
That's why I was soooooo tickled recently, when I figure out on my own these words from Sweet Annie by Zac Brown Band (don't like the band but their songs are pretty catchy- oh and does anyone else think this is way too similar to Sweet Melissa to be considered original?):
But one day Lightning will strike And my bark will lose it’s bite
It only took me about 400 listens by myself to realize it's lightning will strike.
And time and again, I will learn what the correct words are and then I won't hear the song for a while. The next time I hear it, I dig up those wrong lyrics all over a gain.
But recently, there's a song on the radio that I hear all.the.effing.time and while I understand all of the lyrics, I totally don't get what they mean. It's Night Train, by Jason Aldean.
"Night Train"
I've been thinkin' bout you all day baby
waitin' on that sun to go down
whatcha say I pick you up after work
slide over, well slip out to the outskirts of town
got a blanket and a fifth of comfort
a little something to knock off the edge
it's supposed to get a little cool tonight
looks like I'm gonna have to hold you tight... yeah
Bout a mile off old mill road
in that spot nobody knows
park the truck and we take off running
hurry up, girl I hear it coming
got a moon and a billion stars
sound of steel and old box cars
the thought of you is driving me insane
come on baby lets go listen to the night train
yeah I hope its gonna be a long one
if were lucky its moving slow
wouldn't mind if it lasted all night
lying next to you on that hillside lets go
Bout a mile off old mill road
in that spot nobody knows
park the truck and we take off running
hurry up girl, I hear it coming
got a moon and a billion stars
sound of steel and old box cars
the thought of you is driving me insane
come on baby lets go listen to the night train
Let's go listen to the night train [x2]
Let's go listen to the night train
Can someone explain to me why? Why are they running to catch the sound of the train? Yes, I understand what they are doing (the blanket, it's cool, they're drinking Southern Comfort, but what's the deal with the train? And hurrying to get there to listen to it?
And I LOVE to pretend that the line that says "Bout a mile off Old Mill Rd." is really "Bout a mile off Oatmeal Rd." It's the only way I can stand to listen to the song. I just don't like because it's really dumb to me.
Unless you know something about trains I don't know.
And all I can really think of is that when this was really big this summer, my niece had just been here and she loves trains. At the time, she called them FRAINS. Frains and Oatmeal Rd. The only way to listen.
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I grow things, I ride things, I bake things, I can things, I sew things and I make things. Sit with me on Aunt Mildred's Porch to witness this crazy journey I call my life and share the fun, laughter and utter foolishness that I come across from day to day.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
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Funny!! I will forever hear "Oatmeal rd now"! They do play that song a LOT! I sorta get the train thing though, we used to live really close to a train track and when we moved from there I actually missed hearing them...but not them shaking my pictures off the walls! Fun post!