Friday, November 1, 2013

Free Turkey, Get Your Free Turkey

I don't usually promote my Pampered Chef business here on my blog, but this month, you can get a free turkey if you host a show by November 15th.  I have mastered the Facebook Pampered Chef show, where we do it all online and you get all of the benefits as though you hosted in your home!

The benefits:
-friends and family that live anywhere in the world can play along during our 5 day show on facebook
-everyone gets to shop at their leisure and order any time of day or night
-you don't have to cook, clean your house, or stash your kids and husband for the evening
-you get the hostess bonuses as though we had it in your home

And this month:
With $150-$649.99 in guest sales, hosts may choose 1 piece from open stock cookware at 60% off—24 pieces to choose from!

With $650 or more in guest sales, selections include the New Rockcrok™ pans! Hosts may choose 2 pieces of cookware at 60% off from our selection of open stock, cookware sets, or Rockcrok™ ceramic cookware pieces. A total of 30 products to choose from!


I play a game during the week we have your show and guests are encouraged to participate to earn points.  At the end of the show, I will award the highest points earners some extra prizes!

Visit my facebook page to see how past events went and contact me if you want to host one of your own.  It doesn't cost you anything to host and if you get some free stuff, it's even better!

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