I had a fitted sheet that had lost its elasticity, but otherwise was totally fine. I decided to make some pillow cases out of it. As I was folding down the big hem for the open part of the case, I thought maybe that would be a good time to try one of the decorative stitches on my machine that I've never really used before.
I probably could have put some tear away stabilizer or paper towels beneath it so that it wouldn't look puckered, but I didn't really care since they are just for me.
Then I decided to make a pillow cover for a pillow that I don't like. It's supposed to be a "chillow" that has some weird cooling substance inside. I thought it would be wonderful because I love nothing more than a cool pillow. Instead of being refreshing, it's kind of creepy. The cool never gets warm.
What makes that happen?
And the weirdest part is that there is some sort of echo that happens within the pillow, so I can hear every breath I take, every swallow I make. I can't use it.
I decided a chillow on the hammock would be perfect and since I don't really sleep out there, I'll never have to listen to my breathing.
Remember this fabric? I still have lots of it and thought it would be good for the hammock pillow.
I made an envelope cover which is the only way I think anyone should ever make pillow covers. They are easy to make and easy to take off for frequent washing.
I used that same decorative stitch here because I was on a such a roll!
All set for chilling out with the chillow!
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