Thursday, January 19, 2012

When Life Gives You A Canoe

Ask your cousin to drive you around the yard with his lawnmower.

What?  You didn't do this on Christmas with your cousins**?

Is it the lifejackets that crack you up the most?

Linking with Saturday Laughs and Finding the Funny**all cousins mentioned are k-ster's cousins.  My cousins don't even own a yard canoe.


  1. No way. I thought you found this pic on the Internet. I cannot believe you know these people.

  2. Oh yes, these are the newest generation of cousins. 5 of them with one of the fathers holding the littlest one, while the next generation of cousins up was driving, while all of the original parents, grandparents and great grandparents were standing inside watching from above, like it was good entertainment. Do you hear banjos?

  3. Oh and everyone was very safe. They had lifejackets on.

  4. Ha! They look like little snowmen. With lifejackets. Because the lawn is so deep.

  5. Haha!! Yeah, the life jackets really are hilarious!!

  6. This was perfect for the #findingthefunny because that picture is hilarious!

  7. HAHAAH- this life jackets are hilarious!! They do look like little bundled snowmen. Too cute!


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